No Apologies?

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction"
- US Vice President, Dick Cheney before the Iraq invasion
I wanna give Bush and Co. the benefit of the doubt. I really do. As much as I realize the war is a big mistake, and given all the evidence supporting this realization, let's suppose our administration really did believe Iraq had WMD. Right? Okay, now what?
We've long since found out there weren't any WMD and are now finally realizing this war is creating more "terrorism" than it's destroying. Don't you think there might be an apology? Is Bush so proud of what he has done that he feels no remorse?
No apologies to the many Iraqi families in mourning? What about US citizens who feel manipulated by Bush's over-exaggerated confidence in prewar intelligence? Not one apology acknowledging a mistake that has now taken over a hundred thousand lives. Or did I miss it? Sometimes I feel bad bumping into a complete stranger on the sidewalk. Makes you wonder where the humanity went in the US gov't.
It is in this line of thought that I have convinced myself, yet again, that I can no longer give Bush the benefit of the doubt. We, as a country, have done that for far too long, and he's breached our trust. Whether or not you believe in fighting a "war on terrorism", Iraq is no such war. It is a mistake. A mistake that our families and friends, not George Bush and his ilk, are giving our lives for. If it was an honest mistake, it requires an apology.
Massive piles of evidence are accumulating, evidence that reveals Bush as a war criminal. If under the same judgement that presided over the Nuremberg Trials, he would surely receive severe punishment.
"... most Nuremberg defendants never aspired to be villains. Rather, they either overidentified with an ideological cause or suffered from a lack of imagination."
- Douglas O. Linder
I think the previous quote applies well to Bush. Especially the "ideological cause." I'm not claiming that Bush premeditated the slaughter of Iraqi civilians, but rather he's proven time and again that he is ideologically commited to a bad idea.
Even now, despite the abysmal mess this Iraqi invasion has become, George Bush states, "We are a nation at war. I wish I could report differently, but you need to have a President who sees the world the way it is, not the way somebody would hope it would be."
Wrong George. YOU are at war. Not this nation. We are not being attacked. YOU are attacking and using us for your own sick ploys. We don't understand what we're doing, and many of us outright don't agree with you, yet you tell us not to worry, and that war is the right thing.
CBS News writes, "According to Woodward, insurgent attacks against coalition troops occur, on average, every 15 minutes, a shocking fact the administration has kept secret..."
We are a country in need of a new president. I wish I could report differently, but I see things the way they are. Isn't it amazing Clinton was impeached for sexual activities? Why can we not impeach Bush for lieing? Lieing about a war no less? Can you think of a more heinous crime?
Where has the power of the people gone? Those of us who smell the stink are curled up in our shells afraid to speak out. We need to shed that image. We are entitled to take part in this world, too. That is, after all, the point in a "democracy". (Not to be confused with the current "US democracy" - a misnomer that would make Aristotle cry.)
Don't wait for election year, where you will chose between two devils. Start informing yourself, and find out what you can do. Read some Chomsky. Read some Blum. Get the facts, and then decide for youself.
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